D A Lee

Garage Related Services in London

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Coronation Road
859 Coronation Road
NW10 7QE

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Key Services

bodywork, mot, service



Maximum Rip Off




Left car in for a check and report, they assured me that it was generally OK and carried out lots of minor and unnecessary work, major problems with the car where ignored and not reported - huge bill for a car that should have been written off. Was told the vehicle was mechanically sound on collection but it broke down on the way home and on inspection by an alternative qualified mechanic I was told the car was not only in need of major repairs but was positively dangerous to drive in its 'repaired and mechanically sound' condition. Lee claims to be a qualified franchised mechanic but is just a two-bit cowboy with no connections to any car manufacturers.

Jim Figarty - 18/12/2006 | report this review

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