Countryside Hotel

Hotels in London

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207 Romford Road London
E7 9HL

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National Railway: Forest Gate







My husband called to reserve a room a week b4 we arrived to this hotel the guy was scottish and very nice. when we arrived our room wasnt reserved, the guy tried to say we hadnt called because he is in mon-fri so yeah callin us a liar. we were told we can stay the fri but not sat and sun!! what good is that!! we eventually got the room for the wkend, when we got into the bedroom we were VERY disappointed dirty looking curtains hang off the rails, its FAR too hot, noisy, smells of DOPE/WEED whatever u want to call it. Bed was comfy bathroom was really cool.The room itself just didnt smell clean at all. Their is 1 cup for 2 ppl which had huge chip on it, thats how germs r past on. Breakfast was very disappointing cereal and toast thats not a continental breakfast. A continental breakfast is vary of choices of breads etc.The plate we were given had a huge crack down it this is so unhealthy likes, we ate out the whole time,We were actually talking about going somewhere else but thought whats the point never in the hotel beds comfy enough so cnt complain. Tube is 10-15mins away which is fantastic. We will not return to this hotel certainly wudnt reccommend it either. Staff didnt even understand english :O. Hotel is lovely outside.

Kelly Johnston - 08/12/2009 | report this review

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